Recreational Gymnastics

Recreational Gymnastics is a great place for your child to start their gymnastics journey.

Our recreation programme is designed to offer your gymnast the opportunity to learn and train new skills.  They classes offer progression throughout the term so that by the end of term your gymnast will be able to peform mini routines.

Perform Gymnastics

Our Perform program is a program for gymnasts who want to partake in local competition/s as well as travelling to out of town competitions. Perform train more than the recreation program. Acceptance into the perform program is on a trial basis, limited places available.

Competitive Gymnastics

Our competitive program offers boh WAG (Women's artistic gymnastics) and MAG (Men's Artistic gymnastics).  Our Competition program train more hours than our Perform gymnasts, the level and length of training increasing as the gymnasts move up through the grades.

Gymnastics Nelson