Preschool Gymnastics
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Preschool Gymnastics structured classes - 2 to 5 years

Class Times:

  • Monday Preschool 11.00am-11.45am 2-5 years
  • Tuesday Preschool 1.15pm-2.00pm 2-5 years 
  • Wednesday Preschool 10.45am-11.30am 2-5 years
  • Friday Preschool 10.45am-11.30am 3-5 years
  • Saturday Preschool 9.00am-9.45am 3-5 years  
  • Saturday Preschool 10.00am-10.45am 3-5 years                            

Class Duration: 45 minutes

Term Fees: $140 Per term- Eight weeks guaranteed

NO refunds will be given for change of mind, classes cancelled due to weather conditions, or any circumstances outside of Gymnastics Nelson's control. 

Our preschool gymnastics programme is designed for children aged 2-5yrs.

The aim of this class is to have fun while learning & developing basic gymnastic and fundamental movements along with co-ordination and confidence.

The classes are about learning – how the body works, what your limits are, how to follow instructions, exploring new environments, associating words with actions and socialising with others (for parents too!)

Parent/guardian attendance is required for this programme.

Preschool Casual Unstructured Sessions - Upto 5 years

Preschool Gymnastics Casual Free Play drop in sessions (term time only)

Session Times:

  • Tuesday 9:30-10:30am
  • Friday 9:30-10:30am

Session Fee: $10.00 per child (All under 5) No cash
Concession cards are available - pay for 4 sessions and get the 5th session free . One hour drop in class for free play and fun activities. 

No need to register - drop in with comfortable clothing and a water bottle.

Gymnastics Nelson